Happiness in marriage

No doubt that the marriage is a very essential part of our religion, culture, social and family aspect. The concept of marriage is very deep and meaningful. In Hindu Dharma marriage is not only between a girl and a boy but it is a relation between two families, kul and Gotra. Nowadays marriage has lost its eternity. Even up to this extreme that while organizing the wedding of their children, the parents are somewhere anxious in their heart. Will this marriage work..? Will our son/daughter be happy in his/her married life..? why this fear..? Because we see these things very frequently happening around us. All what we want is a happiness in marriage. But one thing we should always remember : HAPPINESS in marriage is not something that you buy, or you gift or steal. Neither it is something that just happens. A good marriage must be created and cultivated .Many people do not realize that happiness of a marriage do not always depends on big things.
In the art of marriage the little things are big things, and play a very big role. The concept that “all love and romance is no more for us because we are married now” is totally wrong. On the contrary while living together the love should grow more and more. But there are some principles .Never take your partner for granted. There are billions of people and one enters in your life as your life partner. It means that a person was born for you…only for you. So never compare your partner with somebody else. You may not like some things in your partner, there is nothing to be worried about. It is not looking for perfection in each other. Still your love and positive attitude will automatically bring changes in your partner. Let the things go with sunrise, never start your day with yesterday. You must feel good and enjoy doing things for your partner then to do under the attitude of duty, burden or sacrifice. Never hide the warmth and appreciation for your partner, speaking the sweet words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways is much more needed.
The great Mantra of happy married life is in cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is not looking for perfection in each other. It is giving each other a space to breath and atmosphere in which each can grow. Searching for the right partner is not enough, you must be a right partner too. Do you find it difficult ? you must be joking .
The simplest thing to have happiness in married life is to continue the courtship and honeymoon.
Labels: Family Matters